This page was last updated: January 23, 2014
Looking For Friends

Have you been looking for a Friend, someone you served with, and have not been able to locate that person.  This page is designed to post messages to assist in locating lost friends.

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Looking For Friends
2/3  VIETNAM Veterans Association
​Ray Madonna, LtCol USMC (Ret.)

 I am looking for anyone who served with LCpl Rosebrugh, a Marine with Co G, 2d Bn 3d Mar in 1966. He was killed during Operation Kern (Oct 22, 1966). It was the same operation, near An Hoa, in which Lt Tom Holden and Lt Bob Bates were killed. Jim DeCamp is writing a book about him and two others from his hometown who were killed in Vietnam. He is searching for other Marines who served with LCpl Rosebrugh (his nickname may be “Butch”) on Oct. 22, 1966 near An Hoa. 

Contact Ray Madonna, LtCol USMC (Ret.) 
by clicking HERE

Fred Hellmann is looking for:

Golf Company 2/3/3 Members on the date of (or around) September - 1968.  Fred needs this information for a documentation that he is working on.

Contact Fred Hellmann by clicking HERE


Roy DeMille is looking for:

LCpl Michael J. Behan from New York.  Served together in Hotel 2/3 in 1967.  Does Anyone know where he is?

Contact Roy DeMille by clicking HERE


Larry C. Clarke, is looking for the following two men who served between Nov. 66 & Nov. 67 in Golf 2/3, 2nd Platoon.

Ronald Porterfield (?) and Pat Chadwick (N.Y.)

Contact Larry by clicking HERE


Joe "Bama" Whittington is looking for:
any one who was with Hotel Co 3rd Plt in 68 69

Contact Joe by clicking HERE


Roy Norton (Cpl Guns Foxtrot 1st Platoon)
Looking for:
 Bo Fincher
Lt. Swartz

Contact Roy by clicking HERE
Art Apruzzese and Desmond Murray are trying to locate Tom Murphy  ("Murph"). He served with Hotel Company in 1967 and was badly wounded near  
the DMZ on April 30, 1967 along with Desmond in the same mortor explosion.
Bill Mixon is:
Looking for G/2/3 friends in 1966, Sgts Ralph Neumain, Billy Mitchell or Ralph Baker , if any one knows their whereabouts please contact me at, ph# 318-226-6556, thanks. BM
Michael Schnur "Doc" is looking for anyone with Golf 2/3 fron Nov 68 to June 69. I can remember these people.  Cpt. Hargrove, Lt. Mc Cann,Cpl Rondoue, Pvt.Flick, Lcpl. Daily, Kirk Hayes HM3, Welsh Hm3, Cpl. Nicholas, Lcpl Curley, Lcpl. Arkansas, Lcpl.Dennis, Lcpl Butler, Cpl Ruegsegger, Lcpl. D. Eaton, SSgt Tankersly, Cpl Shorty.

Contact Doc by clicking HERE
Ty Landon is looking for a corpsman, who treated him in the field 23 January 1968, with the surname Limo. If you have any information please contact me at this email address.

Cpl. Ty Landon,
2/H/2/3/3 1967-8

Contact Ty by clicking HERE
Looking for Ken Gross, he served with me in Foxtrot Co. 3rd plt. 3rd sqd, 1966--67, lived in or around the chicago area, He and his wife came to visit me in the Great Lakes Naval Hospital.
Semper Fi
Rick Howe

Contact Rick by clicking HERE
January 28, 2013

I have been trying to locate Larry Morrison. He was with us on the ridge. (1968). He was from Belfonte PA.

  ( my wife) as I do not get on the computer. She shows me any e-mails I get.

Jim Poage